
发布日期: 2023/09/26  投稿: 卫军朝    部门:    浏览次数:   







付雅明,女,哲学博士,best365网页版讲师,研究领域为知识组织、数字人文、信息行为等。近五年在相关领域国内外核心期刊发表论文十余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SSCI索引论文六篇。近五年参与十余场信息管理与数字人文领域前沿国内外学术会议,并以主讲人身份宣读报告,包括ADHO数字人文年会、欧洲艺术与人文数字研究基础设施年会、iConference等。承担iConference、ADHO年会、Journal of Librarianship and Information Science、Records Management Journal杂志审稿人、上海市图书馆学会科普教育委员会委员。参与部委古籍工作重点立项课题、中国图书馆学会及中国索引学会重点项目。


2017.09-2021.02 伦敦大学学院,图书馆与信息科学,哲学博士

2015.09-2016.11 谢菲尔德大学,数字图书馆学,理学硕士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,档案学,管理学学士


2023.09-至今 best365网页版,讲师

2021.10-2023.09  南京大学信息管理学院,上海图书馆/上海科学技术情报研究所联合培养博士后 (导师:朱庆华教授,刘炜副馆长/教授)

2019.12-2020.07伦敦大学国王学院, King’s Digital Lab, UX/UI研究员

2017.09-2021.02伦敦大学学院, Department of Information Studies, 研究助理、助教


[1] Fu, Y., Mahony, S*.,Liu, W. Reconstruction of cultural memory through digital storytelling: a case study of Shanghai Memory project[J]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2023(00): 1-14.

[2] Fu, Y., Mahony, S*. Towards implementing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for virtual conferences within the LIS professions[J]. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2023: 1-15.

[3] Liu, W., Fu, Y*., Liu, Q. Metadata as a Methodological Commons: From Aboutness Description to Cognitive Modeling[J]. Data Intelligence, 2023: 1-14.

[4] Fu Y.*, Lomas E, Inskip C. Cognitive mapping and its implication for understanding cultural behaviors and experiences in libraries[J]. Library & Information Science Research, 2022, 44(3): 101181.

[5] Fu, Y.*, Lomas, E., & Inskip, C. Understanding international users’ library experience in the Digital Age—joining the behavioral and experiential aspects[J/OL]. Journal of Documentation, 2022, 79(3): 608-634.

[6] Mahony, S., Fu, Y*.Digital Humanities and the Library: Research Partners? [C]//Dewar, S. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2022. Sheffield: The Digital Humanities Institute, 2022.

[7] 付雅明*,张永娟,刘炜,朱庆华.数字叙事作为数字人文方法:现状与可能[J]/OL.图书情报工作:1-10. (人大复印报刊资料《图书馆学情报学》2022年第12期全文收录)

[8] Fu, Y*, Lomas E., and Inskip, C., Library log analysis and its implications for studying online information seeking behavior of cultural groups[J]. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2021, 47(5).

[9] Mahony, S; Fu, Y*. Encouraging Diversity of Dialogue as part of the iSchools Agenda[C]// Proceedings of the iConference 2021, Springer Verlag, 2021: 195-206.

[10] Fu, Y*. and Inskip, C. Exploring User Experience on Mobile Library Service by Cognitive Mapping[C]//Proceedings of the 2019 ACM CHIIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 2019: 397-400.





[4]伦敦大学学院校级研究课题,SmartLibrary: using cognitive mapping to promote UCL mobile library development(2017.10-2018.06,已结项,主持人)


[1]2018.10 2018年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

[2]2016.10  Sheffield Graduate Award谢菲尔德大学优秀毕业生